
Allied Masonic Degrees

Dedham Vale Council

27th. September 2024
Held at The Masonic Hall, Manningtree, Essex.

The morning was complete after a festive board provided by the new caterers at this venue.

The Worship Master toasted the retiring Primus Treasurer W Brother Peter Pryke.

Peregrination Council Installation Meeting

17th. September 2024
Held at The Masonic Hall, Great Yarmouth.

The Masonic Royal Assembly Rooms on a sunny Tuesday morning at Gt. Yarmouth on September 17th was the venue for the Installation meeting of Peregrination Council No. 223 when W.Bro. Charles Brown was installed as Worshipful Master of this peripatetic daylight council.

The Council was honoured by the visit of honorary member R.W.Bro. Ron Slater, District Grand Prefect for the Severn District who made the long trip from Wales to visit the Council where he was Grand Sword Bearer for the consecration in 2008.

The day was tinged with sadness as the Council honoured the passing of it's consecrating officer, the Past Grand Master M.W.Bro. Michael Edward Herbert.

The morning was rounded of with a splendid lunch at the festive board.

Fenland Council Meeting

17th. July 2024
Held at March Masonic Hall.

Icknield Council Meeting

3rd. June 2024
Held at The Masonic Hall, Newmarket, Suffolk.

Members of Icknield Council No. 209

Members of the Supporting District Officers

The Newest Member Brother Hady Aouad flanked by the District Grand Prefect and the Worshipful Master

Followed by a convivial festive board in the usual manner.

Cyrus and Darius Council Meeting

20th. May 2024
Held at Stowmarket Masonic Hall.

Bro Michael Smith was installed into the chair in an excellent manner by W Bro Bob Heavisides.

Followed by a convivial festive board in the usual manner.

Boadicea Council Meeting

18th. May 2024
Held at Bateman Street, Cambridge.

5 Brethren were Constituted, and Created Knights of the Red Cross of Babylon in an excellent ceremony.

The Brethren enjoyed a convivial festive board in excellent surroundings.

The East Anglia delegation plus R.W.Ron Slater, DGP for Severn AMD, enjoying some refreshment in Wrexham the night before the Cheshire and N. Wales AMD District Meeting

The District Grand Prefect accompanied by W.Bro. Keith McCully, Dep. DGP, W.Bro. Ken Fox, Dist.GSW and W.Bro. John Coulton, Grand Steward prior to the Cheshire and N.Wales District Meeting at Wrexham recently


Constable Council No 82

Ipswich March 2024

The DGP and Dep. DGP accompanied by the Dist. GSW, W.Bro. Ken Fox and W.Bro. John Coulton, Grand Steward attending the annual meeting of Surrey AMD held at Croydon Masonic Hall on Tuesday Dec. 2nd.

The District Grand prefect R.W.Bro. Geoff Keer accompanied by W.Bro. Ken Fox and W.Bro. John Coulton attended the Cumberland and Westmorland AMD Meeting on Sat 18th Nov, on the occasion of the Installation of R.W.Bro. Lawrence Hind by the Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson.

"We have arrived"

Morning coffee with friends.

Our Grand Master relaxing after a mornings hard work.

District Grand Prefects with fellow District Grand Prefects.

Severn AMD District Meeting at Pontyclun

November 2023 : The District Grand Prefect accompanied by W.Bro. Ken Fox, Dist.GSW and W.Bro. John Coulton, Grand Steward, at Pontyclun Masonic Hall for the Severn AMD District meeting.
A thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

District Grand Council 2023

On Saturday the 28th. October 2023 the District Grand Council was held at Lowestoft Masonic Hall.

A very successful and enjoyable meeting was followed by a convivial Festive Board.

The 'Workers'

Grand Council 2023

On the 24th. October 2023 a contngent of 15 Brethren visited London for the Annual Grand Council.
Here we are showing one of our tables in the Connaught Rooms.


Icknield Council No. 209

On the 2nd. October 2023 Icknield Council welcomed 10 Candidates in the names of Bro. D.G. Cameron, Bro. B.J. Randall, Bro. Stephen Girling, Bro. Dr. Stephen Philip Mann, Bro. Robert Terence Pye, Bro. Nigel John King, Bro. Robert Fenton, Bro. Michael David Richardson, Bro. John Boyton and Bro. Robert John Taylor.
This was followed by the Installation of Brother Alan Mayle as Master.


Dedham Vale Council No. 284

The meeting of Dedham Vale Council took place at the Masonic Hall in Stowmarket on 22nd September 2023.
Brothers Colin Nash and Peter Holbrook were Introduced, Received and Admiited as Brothers of St. Lawrence.
A Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon was opened and Brothers Nash and Holbrook were Admitted. An enjoyable Festive Board was later enjoyed by all.

East Anglia Council No. 52

East Anglia Council welcomed two new members to the Allied Degrees at their July meeting.
Brothers Tim Fisher and Ben Poole were welcomed by a large number of members and visitors during the ceremonies of St. Lawrence and Knights of Constantinople.

Fenland Council No. 97

A special night for Fenland Council N0. 97 at March for their July meeting when three candidates were admitted into the Allied degree, Bros. Robert Fenton, John Boyton and Michael Richardson were given a faultless ceremony by the members of the Council.
They were joined in the following degree of Knights of Constantinople by Bro. Phil Scrannage a member of Kimbolton Council No. 237 in the neighbouring District of East Midlands.
The Council was supported by a large number of visitors who had travelled from far and wide.

Cyrus and Darius Council No. 157

At Stowmarket Masonic Centre 3rd. July 2023 Cyrus and Darius Council Received, Introduced and admitted Bro. Dr. Stephen Philip Mann into the Degree of Lawrence the Martyr.
After which he was Admitted as a Knight of Constantinople.

Icknield Council No. 209

At Newmarket Masonic Hall on 5th. June 2023 Icknield Council peformed Knights of Constantinople and Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven Grand Tilers of Solomon.

The Candidates

Followed by very enjoyable Festive Board

Cyrus and Darius Council May 2023

Members and Guests enjoying a very good 'Festive Board' at the local Indian restaurant.

Fenland Council April 2023

Fenland Council welcomed a contingent of Provincial Officers to witness the admittance of Robert Pye to the Order of St. Lawrence the Martyr followed by making him a Knight of Constantinople

Members enjoying a very good Festive Board.

Dedham Vale Council Consecration

15th. March 2023